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Irrigation Status

Irrigation shutdown for wastewater management – Brightview will shut down the common area and yard irrigation system from approximately December 1 for three months: December, January, February. During this time, wastewater averaging is calculated based upon a schedule set by the City ( With irrigation off, our annual wastewater costs will be lower, which saves money on our water and wastewater bills. This is a normal event and happens every year.

Irrigation update - Neighbors have probably not noticed irrigation watering during the past weeks because of weather. However, the system was forced to run earlier this week to look at how well it is working and to look for leaks, given our new Rainbird controller and new zone sensors that have been installed. Brightview has also replaced several broken pipes, valves, and sprinkler heads. (If you notice a gushing sprinkler or broken pipe, please contact Pioneer management immediately to prevent erosion and water loss!)

There is still some tweaking of the irrigation system to be done, and Brightview has informed us that because of that continued work and sufficient rainfall, irrigation will not run weekly for the rest of the month. However, you might see irrigation testing of the system intermittently, as the workers continue to work on existing issues.

If you have an irrigation question or request over the next several months, please contact Melissa at Pioneer. Please watch over any new landscaping during freezing weather, and please heed Citywide freeze alerts and frozen pipe alerts. Also, don’t forget to use hand-watering for any grass and plants that require water during the next several months.

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