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Announcements from the Board - vandalism, water shut-offs, street resealing

Neighbors in Davenport Rim – The Board of Directors met on Friday, April 5, and would like you to be aware of the followings 1. Recent vandalism – On Wednesday evening, April 3, vandals hacked up and destroyed the big cactus plant at our Waymaker Way entrance, and a couple of smaller plants (see attached photos). A police report has been filed, and one of our owners may have gotten the license plate of the small, white vehicle. Our neighborhood was not the only one that sustained damage, as you can read on the local Next Door website. The Board encourages owners and renters who see such acts to call 911, for swift action can help in finding the perpetrators. We are grateful to our neighbor who saw the vandals in action and called someone. It is often difficult in an emotional moment to think about who to call. It is best if you do not call a Board member, who may or may not be easily reached at the time. Our Management company, Pioneer (512-447-4496), has a 24-hour hot line that will always have a live representative to help you (water leaks, plumbing emergencies, missing pets, storm damage, etc.). But in the event of property damage, illness, or other emergencies, always think of 911 first. When hesitant or unsure, call 311, and they will patch you into 911 if they think the situation requires EMS, police, or fire department attention. 2. Water shut-offs for units - Based upon recent incidents where owners have not been able to find their front-yard home water shut-off valves, the Board is highly recommending that each unit owner know where the shut-off valve is for the unit. To aid owners, the Board will soon be hiring a contractor to search and find the main water input to each unit. In our neighborhood, this consists of a brown iron “manhole cover”, one of which usually serves two adjacent units. Some owners have reported small leaks in these mainline inputs or that the entire hole is filled with mud or dirt. These will be identified, cleaned out, and checked for good working order. These are not the places where owners should turn off their unit’s water, however. For that purpose, coming off the main input are two smaller valve casings with usually green covers. These contain turnoff handles for quickly turning off the water in each unit. Sometimes these casings have been covered over with mulch, stones, or even sod (some landscapers do that), and it is the unit owner’s responsibility to find these casings for their unit in case of an emergency. Usually owners will find theirs themselves or hire a plumber to find it. Knowing where your shut-off is before an emergency will save a lot of time and money compared to trying to do it when your unit is flooded! 3. Street resealing and restriping – A contractor has been identified for this project, who is now scheduling for May-June. The process will reduce access to your driveway and garage for 24 hours, and will be a two-stage restriction on access, with half the units affected on one day and the other half the second day. Management will notify owners of the exact dates when we know them.

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