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Restriping Update - Important!

Davenport Rim Owners and Renters – As you can see around the neighborhood, the Resealing and Restriping is almost completed. Due to a contractor’s misunderstanding, some of the fire lane restriping was done incorrectly, particularly in front of Units 1-8 and 60-70. The repair of this overpainting will occur during the afternoon of Saturday, June 22. (Exact time will be sent to you on Monday, June 17.) In addition, there will be some finish-up fire lane striping at the curves and entrances in the neighborhood. This finish-up work will be completed quickly and neighbors should not be inconvenienced. The entire repair work should take no more than 2 hours, and will mainly affect access to driveways in the above-mentioned units. Please be aware of staying away from any work cones that might be in place, including those in front of the driveways of the affected units. Please do not park cars on the street in front of the above listed units during the times that will be indicated in our posting on Monday. Thanks again for your patience in the completion of this project. 

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