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Water Turn-Off Manhole Project Is Complete (Just in time for cold weather)

With colder weather approaching, it is critical that all owners/occupants know how to shut off the water in their units in case of a water pipe freeze and flooding.

The Board announced on July 22, 2019 the beginning of a project that will allow all owners/occupants to easily find the brown manhole cover that houses their main water turn-off valve for the unit (and in most cases), their neighbor’s turn-off. Knowing where the turn-off is located is critical in case of a water emergency inside your unit. For most units, a green-top smaller valve box cover marks the “easy” turn-off valve box for your unit (finding this valve box is the responsibility of the unit owner). This valve box is located close to the brown manhole cover, usually on the side closest to your unit. Inside these valve boxes you will find a handle to turn off the water only inside your unit, and (in some cases) a variable adjustment valve for your home’s water pressure (if you or a previous occupant had it installed).

The COA Board hired a contractor to locate and clean out all brown manhole-covered main turn-off valves in the neighborhood. These should not be used as unit water turn-offs except in the case of emergencies (i.e., they are larger and sometimes locked).

To find your brown manhole cover, you will see a white flag in your front yard. The location of these manholes has also been marked by a permanent yellow pin placed at a 90-degree angle from the cover, next to the cement “curb” along the street in front of your unit. (See this doc for the distance from the pin to your brown valve unit.)

Prior to December 1, please locate the yellow pin and the brown manhole cover, and remove the white flag and throw it away. This will indicate to the Board that you know where your water shut-off is located. Flags still standing on December 1 will be removed, and you or your owner (if you are renting) will be responsible for any future water turn-off needs you may have.

The Board hopes you continue to enjoy living in our beautiful and safe neighborhood!

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