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Tree Trimming And Leaf Removal Notice - URGENT

The Board has just been informed that the annual trimming of the tree canopy (over the streets) and trimming of front yard tree branches that are overgrown and rubbing on unit walls will begin on Thursday or Friday. It is scheduled to be completed before Thanksgiving. The Board apologizes for the late notice. We understand that our landscaping contractor Brightview was delayed in receiving the estimate from the tree trimming subcontractor. We want to remind owners and tenants that these services are included in your monthly dues. We also want to remind owners that trimming of front yard trees by owners at their own expense, in addition to the complimentary scheduled trimming, should be approved by the Association. The trimming of crepe myrtles by owners in front of every unit is particularly problematic, since the regime was developed with the vision of creating an attractive street canopy and common look among the units. Almost all of the crepe myrtles and accompanying lacebark elms are vintage and original as planned by the founding developer, and are considered to be very valuable. While there is not yet Board policy regarding any restrictions on front yard tree trimming, the Board will be discussing this at its next Board meeting. As usual, owner input is welcome before the meeting, scheduled for December 13. Comments may be sent to Pioneer ( Finally, we have noticed that there are many more leaves this year, compared to last year at this time. Our Brightview representative tells that the weather has caused trees to lose their leaves early this year. Ordinarily the Brightview contract allows for neighborhood cleanup every other week after October. However, the Board has requested Brightview to cleanup every week until the trees stop shedding their leaves. (Expect the next cleanup as soon as Brightview can get it scheduled.) Thank you for your continuing patience in helping Davenport Rim be an attractive and safe place to live. 

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