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Board Policy On Tree Trimming In Davenport Rim

When the developers of Davenport Rim planned the community about 30 years ago, they envisioned an attractive, safe, and welcoming environment. Part of their planning included the concept that each unit would have similar home styles and uniform landscaping. This is the basis for the need for continuity in home colors, limited home footprints and architecture, and landscaping. They subsequently chose crepe myrtle and lacebark elm trees to plant in front of almost every unit. These trees provide maximum shade and an attractive canopy (over the street) look for the neighborhood. While they do shed blooms and leaves that can be annoying for some people, they are traditional for this neighborhood and look gorgeous in the spring when they fill the neighborhood with beautiful colors!

Over the past 4-5 years, the Board has noticed that some owners have aggressively pruned the crepe myrtles in their front yards in a manner that some have called “crepe murder”. While such pruning is controversial, most certified landscapers hold the view that “crepe murder” produces more damage to the trees than any theoretical growth benefits (see: make-these-4-mistakes ). The current Board of Directors has done significant research and has come to a similar conclusion. Importantly, when “crepe murder” happens, traditionally several neighbors have complained to management and to the Board that we should never have allowed that aggressive trimming practice to occur.

Further, the negative characteristics of crepe myrtles and lacebark elms (i.e., shedding blooms and leaves) can be adequately taken care of by timely and regular maintenance, including blowing and collection of leaves and blooms on a scheduled basis. Also, our landscaping company now has its own tree-trimming subcontracting division, and the front yard trees are pruned properly by tree professionals every year at no expense to owners. (Interim careful pruning by neighbors of home-damaging branches can be trimmed at other times at the owner’s expense, without Board approval.)

With this in mind, the Board has approved the Tree Trimming Policy below. It is in effect immediately after being discussed and approved by the Board of Directors at its meeting on December 13, 2019.

“Trimming of trees in front yards that result in over-pruning or destruction of the overall canopy is not permitted. Owners may trim branches that are damaging their homes or gutters at any time, at their expense. Other major trimming must be thoughtful of the beauty of the neighborhood, and any pruning of lacebark elms or crepe myrtle trees must be approved by the Architectural Control Committee (ACC) of the Board in writing and ACC personal approval (i.e., Board on-site review of plans) before any work commences. Infractions of this policy will result in an immediate fine of $1,000 per incident.”

As usual, comments about this policy (both positive and negative) are welcome.

Davenport Rim COA Board of Directors Approved December 13, 2019

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© 2025 Davenport Rim Condominium Association

Management by Carol Wolf Management

1001 Cypress Creek Road #105

Cedar Park, TX 78613

(512) 258-8200

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