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Davenport Rim Annual Neighborhood Meeting - Firewise Project

At the HOA Neighborhood annual meeting last Thursday (January 22), one of the agenda items was the Firewise Project, presented by members of the Austin Fire Department (AFD). Apropos to that discussion is a major story that is highlighted in the Austin American Statesman titled "When, not if it happens: Factors favor possible Austin mega-wildfire event". According to the AFD and this article, Austin is fifth among metropolitan areas in the nation most at risk for wildfires. Find the complete story here:

Brochures describing the Firewise Project that the Board will be working on in the coming months can be found in the mail hut bulletin boards beginning Saturday, January 25. Please be alert for ways to make your home, and the neighborhood less affected by a catastrophic fire event. Learn more about the Firewise Project! Your Board of Directors

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