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Davenport Rim Opportunities And Updates

1. Home maintenance opportunity

One of our neighbors, Franz Goldberg, recently brought up the following link that may be of interest to many of our neighbors:

The link describes preventive home maintenance on a reduced-price basis. Franz believes the company might give the neighborhood a reduced “bulk” rate for several neighbors who sign up at the same time. If you have questions or are interested in being a part of this program, please contact Franz at, no later than March 1, 2020.

2. Board meetings for 2020

At the request of neighbors at the last Annual meeting, here are the Board meeting dates for 2020. Meetings take place on Fridays at 9 am at Unit 11. Owners and tenants are welcome to attend to provide input or just listen.

March 6

May 22

July 17

September 11

November 13

3. Limestone brick cleaning

Note that power washing of the limestone brick curbing will occur sometime in the next few weeks. This will include both newly placed bricks and existing older bricks that have become discolored due to mold and normal wear. This is because the Board is sensitive to the neighborhood appearing well maintained at all times.

If for some reason you don’t want the bricks in front of your home power washed, please contact Pioneer ( with a justification.

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