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Neighborhood Safety

Recently, some neighbors have become concerned about the safety of people in the street, especially near the mail hut and the “Y” intersection immediately inside the main entrance on Waymaker Way. At its meeting on March 6, 2020, the Davenport Rim Board of Directors discussed neighborhood safety, especially concerning people using the streets for recreation. The purpose of this notice is that the Board is looking and asking for homeowner input on the best compromise between people in the street (walking dogs, walking in groups, children playing) and safety. We are especially concerned about drivers in the neighborhood paying no attention to the 15-mph speed limit. While the Board continues to discuss this issue to find solutions, we are suggesting that people stay in the common greenbelt area, in their backyards, or take advantage of Hidden Park facilities. We are also asking tenants and visitors to SLOW DOWN when driving in the neighborhood. For more details, please see this. Your Board of Directors

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