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The last two common area improvement projects scheduled for this year will begin soon. These projects were discussed at the Neighborhood Annual Meeting on January 22, 2020. This is a notice of upcoming construction in the mail hut area. Beginning on Monday, April 6 (with possible partial staging on April 3), all three guest parking lots on both sides of the street near the mail hut will be closed for visitor parking. There will be some materials being stored in those areas. In addition, those areas will provide room for two small grading vehicles to work on the drainage systems, including the hillside above the mail hut.

Mail delivery and hut access will not be affected. As more details become available, we will inform you. Please be aware that during the period of April 6-13, guests should park in other visitor parking areas. There will also be some daytime construction noise during that period. These two projects have been included in the 2020 HOA budget and will greatly reduce erosion and improve drainage around the mail hut.

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