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One of the benefits of living in Davenport Rim is that Brightview Landscaping Services is contracted to perform the following work in our front yards. This includes your property up to the gate/fence between units. • tree pruning * • shrub pruning • ground cover pruning • bed weeding • fertilize front yard turf areas, also providing pre- and post-emergent weed control * When Brightview prunes tree branches, they are only allowed to prune up to 8 feet from the ground because of liability issues. This work is typically done monthly from March through October. The fertilization and weed control are performed in April and September. April’s fertilization and weed control was completed the weekend of April 10-13. In the past, management has typically sent out a notice of upcoming front yard work in March, giving owners a chance to opt out of such services if they wish. This year, because of some administrative confusion, this notice is late, and therefore the work will be slightly delayed. No later than April 27, please send an email note to Pioneer at if you do NOT want your front yards taken care of by Brightview. Remember, however, that if you use another vendor for your front yard work, the cost will be borne by you.

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