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Neighborhood Clean-up

Mark Your Calendars! On June 23rd and 24th Shack Shine will be in Davenport Rim to power wash the narrow sidewalks (aka flat concrete gutters) in front of the outer and inner loop units. They expect to finish the outer loop unit gutters on the 23rd and the inner loop gutters on the 24th. They plan on working from 8 - 5 each day. In order to not interfere with the project please do not park any vehicles in front of the outer loop units between 8 - 5 on the 23rd, and tell your vendors and repair people to park in guest parking or your driveway. This will help Shack Shine proceed efficiently and also prevent loose dirt from splashing onto any cars. They will also be hooking up their water supply to houses along the way, so do not be surprised if someone is using your house bib. Since cars are not allowed to park on the inner loop fire zones, owner parking will not be affected on the 24th. However, please make sure your vendors and repair people also do not park in the fire zones!

Thanks for your cooperation and understanding. If you have any questions, please contact Melissa Pinchard ( at Pioneer.

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