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Vandalism in the Neighborhood

Neighbors – the HOA Board would like to alert neighbors to be aware of the beginnings of what

we hope will not be a serious problem in the neighborhood.

Over the past several weeks, the following have been seen or reported:

  1. Minor defacement of our limestone wall near the Waymaker Way entrance

  2. Graffiti on at least two trees in the inner greenbelt area (the photo below is one of them, on a tree next to Unit 37)

  3. Young people climbing trees on other owner or common area property during neighborhood games – a liability for the climbers as well as owners and HOA

The Board is asking for owner and tenant cooperation in the following ways:

  1. Talking to our regime’s young people about keeping the neighborhood pristine and attractive

  2. Parents being aware of their children at all times, as well as any out-of-neighborhood friends they may have, and making sure that they know the rules for proper behavior, and

  3. Being vigilant while walking through the neighborhood for any signs of vandalism either completed or in progress. A photo of the problem and/or the person performing the vandalism would be helpful, sent to Pioneer management.

The Board would prefer to prevent such problems rather than placing blame on suspected people

(residents or visitors) who might be involved. Defacement of property is a crime, and damage to the

neighborhood can affect our HOA liability insurance, budget, and reserves. It also affects our reputation as a safe and attractive community.

As usual, the Board is open to owner input on how to prevent or handle cases such as those listed above.

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