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Board of Directors and Homeowners' Codes of Conduct

Davenport Rim Homeowners – Living in a neighborhood that is overseen by an HOA (Homeowners or Condominium Owners Association) is often confusing and sometimes frustrating for owners and/or their tenants. According to best practices of association organizations, every HOA-overseen neighborhood should have a Board of Directors Code of Conduct and a Homeowners Code of Conduct. While these may sound authoritarian, they are in fact simply reminders of ways that Board members and neighbors/owners can provide the maximum benefit to their neighbors and get the most out of living in neighborhoods that may have different rules than simply owning a home alone on a plot of land, away from neighbors.

To this end, the Board has taken the advice of a source called, which provides practical guides to Homeowner Association Management. These guides are not legal documents, have little or no enforcement, and in most cases involve common sense reminders about how to be a good neighbor (or in the case of Board members, what their responsibilities are).

The Board is providing these Codes of Conduct (attached) for your reading convenience. These can also be found under Associations and Fees >Documents at

These are simple 2-page documents. The Board Code is provided for those owners who may wonder about what an HOA Board does – or for those who have a secret “wish” to eventually join an HOA Board in the future! 😀


Your Board of Directors


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