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City tree trimming in the utilities right-of-way behind Units 7-22

(Owners who do not live in Units 7-22 in Davenport Rim may ignore this message.)


Many of you are aware of the City utilities right-of-way along our West greenbelt that allows crews to come in and trim branches that overhang the electric cables.


A Board representative was told by a contractor for Austin Energy today that a crew will soon be marking trees in the corridor that are high enough to have their branches trimmed.  The crew leader has asked us to let owners of affected homes (i.e., roughly Units 7-22) know that they may be trimming branches for trees that are planted in those units’ backyards.  When they identify such trees, they will make every attempt to contact those owners to make sure that owners are aware of the trimming.  (In the rare event that the tree is totally dead, they will remove it entirely.)


This means that the contractor may be leaving messages on front doors or contacting those owners by other means.  Please cooperate with them.  The trimming of those branches by the City is legal and required to enhance the integrity of the electric cables, especially during storms.


Trimming the branches will also help prevent any wildfires from jumping into our neighborhood!


Thanks for your cooperation!


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