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Davenport Rim is Certified by the National Firewise Program - December 2021

Neighbors - The Board is excited to announce a new safety milestone for our neighborhood. Through the efforts of Board member Todd Davis, Firewise project coordinator, our neighborhood is now recognized by the National Firewise USA Program as a certified Firewise neighborhood. Working in conjunction with the Austin Fire Department, Todd has coordinated the 20-foot fire break area around our west border, the removal of dead limbs in and around that border and within our inner greenbelt, and has completed the plans required by Firewise USA to maintain our reduced fire hazard vulnerability throughout the neighborhood. Owners are encouraged to reduce fire hazards around their units by clearing dead trees and limbs, reducing flammable outside materials, and other measures described in a brochure available in our bulletin boards at the mail hut.

Have a wonderful and safe holiday season!


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