Owners and visitors will notice new speed limit and parking signs at our two entrances and in the guest parking spots. These signs replace the “too old” previous signs and are designed to add to the attractiveness of our neighborhood. Watch for new large signs at both entrances that will make it easier for visitors and vendors to see our address – coming in a month or two!
This is a perfect time to remind owners of our neighborhood rules regarding parking in the guest parking pads (below). Management has recently renewed our contract with J&J Towing, who will now be patrolling more often for illegally parked vehicles.
Adapted from our website: 2800waymaker.com:
Owners may park overnight in their driveways or garages only. Owners and family members living with them are not permitted to park overnight (or day after day) for longer than 2 days in Guest Parking unless prior HOA approval has been obtained. Guest Parking areas can be reserved for overnight parking by guests and long-term family members, via a Guest Parking Request Form (click here). Please submit at least a week before Parking Start date. Approved visitors will receive a yellow numbered guest pass, which must be returned when the approval expires. Approvals are generally for not more than 7 days at a time, with renewals possible upon special request. Exceptions to the use of Guest Parking spaces require written advance approval from the association board. If you have a need to use Guest Parking overnight, please submit your request in advance to: info@pioneeraustin.com . Don’t take a chance of your vehicle being towed!
Owners and guests are not allowed to shuttle cars between Guest Parking spaces in an effort to avoid adherence to these rules. Cars with expired registrations may never be parked in guest parking. Violators are subject to towing.
No overnight street parking is permitted in Davenport Rim between 2 am and 6 am. The towing company will make intermittent overnight patrols and any cars parked on the street are subject to immediate towing.
On-street parking is never permitted in areas with a red stripe at the curb and marked “Fire Zone – Tow Away Zone.” Please remind your guests and those with commercial vehicles not to park in these zones, even temporarily, since they block emergency access.