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Davenport Rim Q3 2023 COA Board Meeting

DAVENPORT RIM CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION Board of Directors Meeting Thursday, September 14th, 2023 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm Video call link: Or dial: ‪(US) +1 216-930-8338‬ PIN: ‪727 470 426‬# More phone numbers:

1. Call to Order / Roll Call

2. Welcome/Introduction Carol Wolf

3. Approval of July 9th, 2023 Meeting’s Minutes

4. Presentation of Reports

  • Manager’s Report

    • Treasurer’s Report

      • Financial Report

      • Audit Update

      • Reserve Study recommendations

    • Committee Reports

      • Community Improvement Committee – looking for volunteers

      • Landscape – irrigation update, Emergency Evacuation Plan, Firewise

      • Social – quarterly events, sign-ups to bring food & refreshments

      • Communication – where to find everything you need to know!

5. Future Business

  • Save the Date – In person! Annual Meeting January 14th, 2024 (location TBD)

  • Budget Planning for 2024

  • Policy review (create, update, remove)

6. Adjourn


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