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The latest bulletin from Austin Resource Recovery:

Just a friendly reminder for 2800 Waymaker Way, Austin

The following will be picked up on Friday, Feb 26, 2021:


For the safety of our operators, bag and tie your trash to keep it contained. Extra bags of trash that do not fit in your trash cart with the lid closed must be placed next to the trash cart and tagged with an extra trash sticker, which can be purchased at most local grocery stores.


Place food scraps, yard trimmings and food soiled paper in your green composting cart. Due to high volumes of yard trimmings/composting, collections may be delayed, and there may be instances when carts are collected but some bags are not. Crews will catch up.

What about recycling?

ARR does not directly answer this question. Here is what they say:

All curbside services resume Mon., 2/22. Set out carts, bulk and large brush by 6:30 a.m. on scheduled collection day. There may be delays, due to road conditions and excess material to be collected. Leave uncollected material out to allow crews to catch up over the week/weekend.

RECYCLING: once cart is full, place additional recyclables in a cardboard box or reusable container next to your cart.

The above information is unclear. It appears as if they will not pick up recycling bins until they are next scheduled to do so on Friday, March 5, but there is a chance they could pick it up at anytime.

If you wish to leave your recyclable bin at the curb until it is picked up, you will not be in violation of DR bin removal rules until it is picked up. However, we kindly ask that you move any empty bins (trash, compost, etc.) to your garage within 24 hours after they are emptied. Let’s keep our neighborhood attractive!


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