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As a reminder, Nov. 5 will be the last day of every-week landscaping, as in previous years. Yellowstone will give

us full service on Nov. 5, and then they will transition to every-other-week, with a reduced emphasis on mowing

slow-growing grass, and increased emphasis on leaf bagging and removal. Full service will resume at the beginning

of March. If the street or backyards appear to have problems with excessive leaves before the cold weather sets in,

Yellowstone may give us some extra leaf removal based upon Board and owner feedback.

By the way, we have a new Yellowstone Account Manager, Zach Rutz, who has hit the ground running. If you see

some projects that slowed down over the last few weeks, Zach has promised to get those running again: Waymaker

Way entrance winter planting, mulching, clean-up of downed limbs etc. Bartlett Tree will also begin removing more

dead trees and trimming others in Phase I of the new 3-year tree care plan recently approved by the Board. Phase I

will begin the week after Thanksgiving.

Regular irrigation continues to be problematic with the anticipated arrival of a software upgrade for our controller, but we have been assured that any new trees or shrubs that are planted will continue to receive individual zone watering.

Please keep an eye on your plants and shrubs, and water wisely.


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