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Landscaping, Bulk Pickup & Loop 360 Updates


For all of our Davenport Rim owners and neighbors –

1. Yellowstone will be performing lawn maintenance (mowing, trimming, blowing) generally on Thursday of each week. Occasionally they will move it to another day of the week based upon rain chances or other factors. In December, January, and maybe February, they will forgo the mowing and trimming of grass for one or two weeks of the month (grass will be growing more slowly), and on those occasions they will concentrate on leaf blowing and collection (when trees are shedding the most leaves).Please remember that neighborhood irrigation will be turned off for our usual 3-month wastewater averaging period beginning near the end of November or early December. We will let you know when our landscaping company sets a date. This timing will occur so that all newly planted trees and shrubs that are normally watered by irrigation will not be harmed.

2. If you are not receiving updates from the City ( ), please be aware that our next neighborhood Bulk Pick-up date is Monday, Oct. 17 (subject to crew availability).  (Note that this is for Bulk Items only, not for Brush Pick-up, which will occur later this year.)  

3. Westlake Drive/Cedar Street Project.  If you wish to have updates to the construction along Loop 360, you may sign up for updates at .


 (Please note that the Board will no longer send regular updates to the neighbors on Bulk Pickup and Loop 360 updates.)


Thanks for your patience in this very busy and growing neighborhood!


HOA Board of Directors



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