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New owners – Welcome to the “Rim”!

Davenport Rim is a thriving community. Along with the rest of Austin, our neighborhood is changing – home values are up, homes are being renovated, new owners are moving in, and our units are attracting families with young children.

We don’t want to fall behind our other neighborhood Davenport Ranch Master communities, which is why the Board continues to emphasize exterior home maintenance, front yard appearance, landscaping, and front entrance appearance. We are doing our best to remind our vendors of tree replacements, updated flowers in the entrances, and other projects to keep our neighborhood fresh and attractive.

Especially for new owners, we would like to introduce you to our neighborhood website: Here you will find our HOA documents, information on how to obtain a key to Hidden Park (tennis court, playscape, and walking trails), updated news bulletins, HOA Board meeting minutes, and basic rules for unit upkeep (exterior paint palettes, landscaping tips, parking rules, trash rules, and more). Especially:

1. The Speed Limit in the Rim is 15 miles per hour. PLEASE observe this rule, since children and walkers are also sharing the narrow private road throughout the property. Yes, we know many of us are in a hurry, but is it worth the chance of injuring someone?

2. Owners are NOT allowed to park in Guest Parking Spaces. Owner and tenant vehicles should be in the garage or driveway overnight. Street parking is always prohibited in the fire zones (even by repair vehicles), since we need room for emergency vehicles! Also, overnight parking is prohibited and illegally parked vehicles are subject to towing.

3. Any major changes to the exterior of a home (including paint colors, front yard landscaping, backyard structures, and anything that affects irrigation, for example) needs approval by the HOA Architectural Review Board. If you have a question about whether you need approval on a particular change, contact our management company (Pioneer, care of Paul Meisler:

4. Collection bins (trash and compost) are emptied every week, while recycling bins are emptied every two weeks. Trash bins may be placed curbside the evening before collection and must be off the street no later than 8 pm on Friday. Trash bins must be stored in garages.

5. Burned out garage lights must be replaced as soon as possible. These are the only sources of lighting for our front yards and private road.

Remember: our neighborhood website has the above information and more!

Your Board of Directors


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