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Red Fire Zone Painting – Wednesday, May 18, 2022 – URGENT

Residents - We are asking for your patience one more time on the road resealing project.

Typically, after resealing a road, the final day is devoted to repainting the red fire zone lines.

This does not take a lot of time due to the quick drying of the paint (< 30 minutes). However, to do this, we need all residents on deck to stay off the fire zone areas so that the workers can complete the work.

Attached is a diagram of the fire zone areas (in red). These are ALWAYS on the inside of the road loop (Units 28 – 55), and on the curves of the road on the other side of those units.

Please make sure that there are no cars parked in front of your home during the repainting, during the period of 9– noon on Wednesday, May 18, 2022.

This is an excellent time for the Board to emphasize that there is no parking allowed in the red fire zones at any time. This past year, owners have been hesitant to politely tell repair people not to park on the fire zones. This is for the safety of our neighborhood, since the road is narrow and fire, EMS, and trash trucks need adequate clearance.

As always, thank you for your understanding!


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