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Road Resealing Phase 1 coming up Thursday, May 12!

This is an important reminder that (rescheduled) Phase 1 of road resealing is coming up this coming Thursday, May 12, between 8 am – 6 pm. This affects Units 1-5, 38-44, 67-70 (Waymaker Way entrance will be closed) During this time, you will have limited vehicle access to your unit. Please do not drive or walk over blocked areas, and DO NOT move the safety cones for any reason. Important points to remember:

  1. All vehicles for the units in your phase are to be kept in the garage during the resealing, OR in an available guest parking lot (see below), or on the road in front of units that will not be involved in resealing that day. Note: you may also park on Waymaker Way or Canonero Drive during the night before and day of resealing.

  2. If you have any thought that you will need to use your vehicle on Thursday, we suggest that you move your vehicle to an available guest parking lot or in front of other units (i.e., those that are not being resealed) between 6-8 am on Thursday.

  3. Parking overnight and early on Thursday morning will be:

    1. on Waymaker Way or Canonero Drive

    2. allowed without penalty in the available Guest Parking lots until full

    3. the roadway up to the curbs in front of other units not involved in resealing,

    4. but only between 6 am – 8 pm on Thursday.

  4. Guest parking lots that will NOT be available during this phase are the north (right-hand) side of the mail hut (will be coned off), the entire parking lot across from the mail hut, and the lone Handicapped space in parking lot #1 (across from Units 26-27). These will be coned off at 6 pm on May 11. Cars inadvertently parked in those lots during the resealing must remain there until 6 pm on Thursday evening.

  5. Parking in fire zones is NOT permissible at ANY time.

  6. Homeowners not involved in Phase 2: PLEASE use your garages and driveways for your own vehicles as much as possible to leave room for owners who need to park in the neighborhood Thursday while their units are sealed off.

  7. If your unit is involved in resealing and you fail to move your vehicle out of your unit on Thursday, your vehicle MUST remain in your garage from 8 am - 6 pm, or until the cones are removed. As stated in our earlier announcement, if there are any areas that are heavily shaded that are not fully cured by 6 pm, those areas will remain coned off until the seal is dry.

  8. Please respect the cones! Driving on uncured reseal will create permanent tire tracks and defeat the purpose of resealing our pavement.

  9. Cars left on the street where resealing is occurring will be TOWED if the owner cannot be found at the unit.

  10. If possible, please do not schedule (or please re-schedule) deliveries and repairs on Thursday, as no traffic will be permitted in these areas. This includes Prime Deliveries, Amazon Deliveries, Certified Mail, FedEx Deliveries, Food Deliveries, Pizza Deliveries, etc. Please also notify personal cleaning services/lawn services, In-home health care personnel, or realtors.

  11. While areas are being resealed, please walk (carefully) along the unsealed 12” concrete curb or grass to your unit. There will be access to the mail hut during all reseal phases, from either one of two directions approaching the hut.

All, please plan your daily activities accordingly so we can try to make this project as successful as possible. We fully understand this is a huge inconvenience, but we really need everyone's cooperation. Resealing does not happen every year, and strict compliance by owners is needed so that the re-sealing process operates smoothly to produce an excellent outcome. When we reduce the likelihood it will be needed as often, this saves the HOA (and all of us) money! If you are a Landlord, please forward this information to your tenant. Thanks in advance for your planning and cooperation! For any last-minute questions, please contact the HOA Board president at (512) 636-5198 or


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