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When: August 14, 2022, 6-7 pm via Zoom

The Davenport Rim Board of Directors is excited to announce that Daniel Solis, whois associated with one of the major solar panel installation companies in Texas, willgive a presentation followed by a Question and Answer session via Zoom on theabove date.  Daniel has presented educational seminars on solar energy to communitygroups and local businesses around the state.  Although he works for a national solarpanel company, his presentation will not be commercialized. Over 125 homes in Davenport Ranch currently have solar panels, and the first unit inDavenport Rim has just installed them.  The Board is aware of several other unit ownerswho are considering solar installation, and this event is designed to answer any concernsand questions about solar energy and panel installation. 

Some of the planned topics: 

1. What are the facts and false facts about solar panel installation, effectiveness, and    maintenance? 

2. What are ways to find the best and most reliable installation company? 

3. How does solar work with your home and the utility company? 

4. How do the city rebates and federal income tax credits work? 

5. What happens to my solar system if I sell my home?  Can the solar company help me  with that process? 

6. What effect does solar panel installation have on my home insurance? 

A Zoom link will be sent to all owners as the time for the event approaches.

For any questions, please contact the Davenport Rim HOA Board President,


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