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Smoke alarms and fire extinguishers

We will be celebrating our new Firewise certification at a Block Party on Friday, November 11 at the mail hut from 5 – 7  pm, as previously announced.


The is an appropriate time to remind our owners and tenants about the importance of smoke detectors and fire extinguishers.


Smoke Detectors

Do you have them and are the batteries new?  It takes only minutes to check your smoke alarm, and they are not very expensive to buy new or replace.  Most of our units already have smoke alarms, but they are of no value if they are not working.  Too many of us wait until the alarms beep with low batteries (usually this occurs in the middle of the night 🤬 ).


Austin Fire Department does have a Free Smoke Alarm program ( but does not have a recycling or exchange program.  


Fire Extinguisher Disposal, Recharge, or Recycling

It takes only minutes to check your fire extinguisher, and they are not very expensive to replace (< $40).  Fire extinguisher reuse or recycling is a good option. Although you cannot place an extinguisher in a regular household recycle bin, you can take it to a fire extinguisher service company to recharge or recycle it. Check your local fire extinguisher company listings to find a facility near you.If recycling is not a possibility, it is also acceptable to empty the extinguisher and discard it in your regular household trash. Empty the contents of the canister outdoors into a heavy-duty trash bag, and do not discard the extinguisher in the trash until it is completely empty.



Carl Erickson, President,

Davenport Rim HOA Board of Directors



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