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Trash Pickup and New Neighborhood Trees

Important message from City of Austin: Due to severe winter weather, the Recycle & Reuse Drop-off Center will be closed and our services will be suspended on Thursday, February 3. This includes all street sweeping and recycling, composting, trash, bulk item, large brush and dead animal collections. Please leave any uncollected items at the curb to allow our crews to catch up. Weather permitting, we will catch up at the end of the week and over the weekend, but delays may extend into next week should inclement weather persist. Stay safe and off the roadways. New Neighborhood Trees: For those of you concerned about the health of the new trees being planted in the neighborhood, I checked with Nicholas Crowther at Bartlett Tree Experts today. He estimated the chances of the next two days of freezing weather of hurting our new trees as “incredibly low”. He noted that the freeze of February 2021 was a “perfect storm”, with high temperatures, lots of rain, and a huge drop in temperatures for over 5 days. Most Texas healthy trees such as our lacebark elms and crepe myrtles can easily take a few days of freezing weather, even when newly-planted. That is not expected to happen in the next 2-3 days. The Board would like to thank Yellowstone Landscaping for its recent work (still not fully completed) in getting the 20 new trees planted over the past week. Don’t forget the four Ps of winter weather safety: People, Pets, Plants, and Pipes!


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