Tree Replacement Deadine - EXTENSION
The Board is receiving estimates from landscaping companies, and replacement trees will be planted as soon as possible, hopefully beginning in November. Here is a paragraph from our Sept. 28 posting:
"In a few instances, an owner may wish to NOT have a replacement tree added to their front yard, based upon overcrowding by already existing trees or other circumstances. If you DO NOT wish to have a replacement tree, please let Pioneer ( know by October 8. The reason for replacement of lacebark elms is to restore the total look of our neighborhood (proper canopy over the road, colorful spring trees, etc.) toward what it looked like before the storms."
The Board has extended the deadline for letting us know if you do NOT want a replacement tree. If you do not, pleasec ontact Pioneer ( no later than close-of-business on Monday, October 11. We need this information to complete the estimates.
The Board will give you replacement dates and further details as they become available.
Thanks for your patience!!