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1. Irrigation is now turned off for the season, except for a few instances (recall that we follow City of Austin recommendations to save on water/wastewater costs by turning off irrigation during winter months). We have now received our updated controller and it is being final tested for proper water flow. You may see it come on in your yard for a brief period or two in the next month. Also, our new entrance flowers will be drip-irrigated off and on over the next several weeks while they become established. Irrigation will resume around mid-March, depending on weather conditions. 2. Yellowstone ran out of mulch in the last run, so some units received mulch and most did not. The rest of the units will receive mulch hopefully by the end of next week, before the Christmas holiday. 3. Likewise, stump removal and tree replacements will be started at the end of next week, weather and tree availability permitting. The goal is to get this done before the Christmas holiday. 4. We are now on an every-other-week schedule for mowing and blowing. Mowing will not be needed as much, so the emphasis will be on leaf removal. There is a possibility of an extra session of leaf blowing in front yards and the road if the leaves continue to be a problem. Expect crews in the neighborhood every other Friday, with the next cleanup a week from today. 5. Our long-term tree trimming project that was supposed to begin this month has been postponed by Bartlett until February 9. Problems: covid in work crews, scarcity of repair parts for chain saws, saw blades, and even gasoline. Bartlett apologizes for the delay. Holiday reminders 1. With the holiday season, we can expect more visitors to the neighborhood. Don’t forget to request parking passes for Guest Parking areas for anyone spending more than two nights in the neighborhood. 2. Please be mindful of children home from school over the holidays. Watch your speed! 3. Please ask vendors and repair people to park only on the side of the road without red fire zone markings, or in guest parking. We don’t want firetrucks blocked in an emergency! 4. Mark your calendars for our virtual Annual Neighborhood Meeting at 7 pm on January 12, 2022! Finally, the Board of Directors wishes you a wonderful Holiday season! Be safe and well! December 10, 2021


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