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April 20, 2021 - Some neighbors have inquired about the effect of the February freeze and ice storm on the trees in Davenport Rim. In talking with arborists over the past few weeks, the consensus is that most trees are fine and are strong, if not possibly slowed in their growth cycle.

Lacebark elms (also known as Chinese elms), of which most units have at least one, are now 20 years old in our neighborhood, and they have a normal life span of at least 50 years.

Crepe (Crape) myrtle trees, of which many units have at least one, also have a life span of greater than 50 years. They are relatively fast-growing trees that were planted in our neighborhood at about the same time as our lacebark elms.

The Board has identified a few lacebarks and crepe myrtles that have died (no leaves or buds, cracked bark, limbs broken), and many that are struggling (only a few leaves, and well behind their spring growth cycle). Homeowners will be notified when these should be removed and replaced.

The above two types of trees are a hallmark of our neighborhood. They are planted along the streets and may not be removed or excessively pruned without the consent of the HOA Board of Directors. They are drought tolerant and add color and a beautiful canopy to our neighborhood streets in the spring. If you have one of these trees that you are concerned about, contact an arborist for an assessment.

In the meantime, our arborists are recommending that we drip water our trees regularly to make them healthier and more resistant to excessive heat and cold. At this time, struggling trees of all kinds (including maple, other elms, and oaks) should NOT be fertilized, since that can cause burnout of the trees and eventual death. Fertilizing can commence when the trees begin to flourish again and are clearly returning to full health.

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© 2025 Davenport Rim Condominium Association

Management by Carol Wolf Management

1001 Cypress Creek Road #105

Cedar Park, TX 78613

(512) 258-8200

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