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Water outage in Davenport Rim - what to do to prevent broken pipes

One of our Board members has just reported that neighbors should "bleed your systems dry before the lack of moment freezes any existing water in the pipes."

I have just confirmed that information by a call to a major local plumbing company. I talked with a Master Plumber who has been working since 1962 who recommended that a) you open all faucets (hot and cold) in your home and let them drain totally. b) Then open all the spigots (bibs) for your outside faucets. This will drain the water from your home. Leave them all open. The idea is that any water left in the house tonight and any other freezing nights will freeze and burst the pipes.

He recommended that if your water is already off, that you leave the main water valve to your house (located outside) open, so that you will know when the water comes on by the water coming through your inside faucets.

I know this is a lot of work, but it may be worth it if you want to prevent your pipes from bursting, as has already occurred with several of our neighbors when the temperature rose above freezing two nights ago.

I am only conveying what has been told to me. It is OK if you have another opinion, so it is up to you whether you wish to do it or not. Remember that frozen pipes only flow when the temperatures rise, which is expected tomorrow and over the weekend.

Carl Erickson, President, HOA BOD


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